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Latest initiatives and news from the Swiss AmCham that might be of interest to our member companies and their business.

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Calendar of events organized by Swiss AmCham in both Switzerland and the United States of America.

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Information on membership with the Swiss AmCham, details on membership categories, application form.

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Events in Switzerland and the US

Swiss AmCham organizes a series of business-related events for their members in Switzerland and the US Specialized briefings, panel discussions and seminars, luncheons and fireside chats feature leadership personalities from business, government and politics.

Southern California

Sep 24 2024

End-of-Summer Networking Event

Hosted by the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce Southern California Chapter

Show details

News and Initiatives

A comprehensive selection of the most recent activities and initiatives of Swiss AmCham, including selected media clippings.



Die Weltwoche

Unser CEO Rahul Sahgal äussert sich in der Weltwoche zur Frage, ob die Spitzen Schweizer Firmen eher für Trump oder Harris seien.



Ticino Annual Dinner - Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce

Industria e finanza unite dall'Atlantico



Ob Trump oder Harris – die Aussichten für Schweizer Firmen bleiben gut

Die Rolle der USA für die Schweizer Wirtschaft ist kaum zu überschätzen. Ein Freihandelsvertrag ist derzeit nicht realistisch, möglich sind jedoch ein Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen und «Mini Trade Deals».


Rahul Sahgal, CEO, Swiss AmCham



Sous Joe Biden, un boom économique et ses zones d'ombre

Le PIB des Etats-Unis explose, le taux de chômage est bas, les salaires sont en hausse, tout comme les investissements dans les énergies renouvelables. Mais le coût de la vie a augmenté.



Alles hat ein Ende

Farewell Party für AmCham CEO Martin Naville

Governing Bodies

The Swiss AmCham’s governing body is the Board of Directors. A number of Chapter Boards and Committees contribute substantially to the Swiss AmCham’s activities and programs. All members of the various Boards and Committees exercise these functions on a pro-bono basis.


Chairman and President 
Of The Board of Directors

Swiss AmCham plays a key role in promoting the Swiss-US relationship and is a strong advocate of all multinational companies based in Switzerland. I am proud to chair this valuable organization and contribute to a better understanding between Switzerland and the US.

Riet Cadonau
Director at Zehnder Group AG

Important questions about Swiss Amcham

The Swiss AmCham is a business association under Swiss law. As the largest association of multinational companies in Switzerland (irrespective of their nationality and size), it caters for the needs of companies. Swiss AmCham has a clear focus on businesses but not on private issues of individuals.

The Swiss AmCham is a private organization with approx. 1500 corporate members. While 20% of the member companies are based in the US (with local Chapters in Boston, New York, Atlanta, Miami, and San Francisco), the vast majority of members are based in Switzerland. 70% of the member companies are Swiss companies, 30% foreign companies (mostly American). Swiss AmCham covers all areas of the private sector and does not accept any subsidies from any government entity. The numerous Chapters and Committees contribute substantially to the Chamber’s activities and programs. Swiss AmCham’s governing body is the Board of Directors, elected by AmCham’s members at the Annual General Meeting.

Swiss AmCham identifies and addresses all barriers to free movement of goods, services, people and investments between Switzerland and the USA. It aims to reduce barriers and difficulties for multinational companies in Switzerland (irrespective of their size or nationality), thus strengthening the position of Switzerland as an internationally attractive business location.

Swiss AmCham does not provide any services for individuals in personal matters such as visas, travels, job openings, work permits, taxes, real-estate, inheritance issues etc. The association solely deals with questions concerning businesses of their members.

The Swiss AmCham membership is open to companies and their employees upon written application. All companies with an international focus, no matter how many employees they have, are very welcome to join the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce.