New details released regarding travelling to the USA
Yesterday, the White House has released further details regarding travels from Switzerland (and other countries) to the USA ...
Starting November 8, non-citizen, non-immigrant air travelers to the USA will be required to be fully vaccinated and to provide proof of vaccination prior to boarding an airplane to the USA. Individuals can be considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after receipt of the last dose if they have received any single dose of an FDA approved/authorized or WHO approved single-dose vaccine (i.e., Janssen) or any combination of two doses of an FDA approved/authorized or WHO emergency listed Covid-19 two-dose series (e.g., Pfizer-BioNTech of Moderna). Fully vaccinated air passengers entering the USA, regardless of their citizenship, will continue to be required to show pre-departure negative Covid test taken within three days of travel prior to boarding. US citizen and Legal Permanent Residents need either be fully vaccinated or need to be tested within one day of departure. New details have been released regarding children and teenagers under the age of 18: They do not need to be fully vaccinated, but need to take a pre-departure test within three days of departure (one day if travelling alone or accompanied by an unvaccinated adult). For further details, please consult the White House's fact sheet
I wish you a great and problem-free trip to the USA.
Martin Naville