How to Become Future-Ready
In cooperation with IMD
In an increasingly complex and unpredictable age, being future-ready becomes a source of competitive advantage and resilience. It enables corporate leaders to adapt to new realities faster, develop robust internal capabilities with a sharper focus, and find new sources of growth with an elevated sense of purpose.
Join us for an evening session with Howard Yu, LEGO® Professor of Management and Innovation at IMD, recently honored with the prestigious 2023 Thinkers50 Strategy Award.
We will explore the Future Readiness Indicator, a framework that helps organizations to prepare for future challenges and opportunities. We will take a close look at some of the companies that have demonstrated their future-readiness and explore the steps organizations can take to make themselves win more in good times and lose less in bad times.
Far beyond an academic discussion, Howard will team up with Marco Andre - the global head of marketing at Novartis - to share practical tips on how you can become future ready yourself. So that you win while helping your company thrive.
Short Info
CHF 120,00 for Members
CHF 150,00 for non Members
Global Head of Marketing Excellence Novartis International AG
LEGO® Professor of Management and Innovation, and Research Director at the Center for Future Readiness IMD